WhatsApp is trying to out-cool Instagram with its latest Status updates

What you need to know

  • WhatsApp announced two new features to the platform, which are heavily inspired by Instagram.
  • Users can now share statuses with private mentions, and the mentioned person will get a discreet notification.
  • Plus, mentioned users can share the Status on their own profiles and even give it a like.
  • Users on the receiving end will now be able to like WhatsApp Statuses of all in general.

WhatsApp rolled out Status updates a while back, similar to Instagram Stories. It’s another fun way to stay connected with friends and family by sharing quick videos or photos that disappear after 24 hours. Now, the feature is getting a cool update to make it even more engaging.

According to a recent blog post from WhatsApp, users can now receive likes on their Status updates. The experience and interface appear familiar to Instagram Stories.

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